The two best heels by far.... #1 Tully Blanchard. Remember how he and Baby Doll first started that gimmick of the loaded elbow pad? How he would get knocked down, roll over to the apron of the ring and she would slide it on his arm? Face picks him up, whips him into the corner, charges in, Tully holds the elbow up, instant knockout. All around, he was someone arrogant, pompous, loathing, minimal talent, and huge ego. Perfect heel qualities.
#2 Arn Anderson - remember how he held the TV title for so long? (bonus question, remember the tv title used to be red and silver?) He would impose the 20 minute time limit on the match, and spend 15 minutes jumping out of the ring, walking around, asking the fans how much time was left.
There are NO good heels nowdays. Which is why the upper tier of wrestling sucks. The midcard - IC & Euro contenders are so much more exciting to watch. Hey! UT won the belt. Who is going to challenge him? Austin? Rock? Angle? HHH? *YAWN* seen it all before. there are only like 6 top level contenders and when one wins the belt, the other 5 just get in line for their PPV appearances. A champ is only as good as his challengers. Which is why Hogan was a champ because his challengers were Bundy, Andre, Warrior, Savage, Zeus, etc.. big monster type people, or people who betrayed him. Flair was great because his challengers were Race, Steamboat, Funk, Vader, Nikita Koloff, etc... People who were better wrestlers or stronger brawlers than he. You always expected him to lose. It was a matter of sitting back just watching to see who would finally get through his devious ways and take the belt. It was rare that someone did.