Man, the quality is just by far superior to any product I've ever used at an OTC place like GNC or Vitamin World. I really couldn't tell you exactly but I've used other products during off times and also to prepare for shows a few years back without as much success. As soon as I replace my current protein products with Beverly's and using them for past shows my strength levels and conditioning are by more greater. I can use their products right up to the day of the show without even suffering any bit of water retention or blurriness in definition. I'm telling you it's Grade A shit! Just get's a little pricey to consistenly use all of the time and also a little more time consuming because it tastes a whole lot better when used in a blender and mixed with some type of light fruit like strawberries where I can just throw some ON Pro Complex in some water, stir it for a few seconds, and down it. But, give it a shot for awhile some time and see for yourself.