some girl told you that you were hitting her bladder? BWA HA HA! Unless your weiner is 18 inches or so, I don't think so.javaguru said:I thought it was hitting your bladder or some such that hurt not so much the girth....BTW, it generally doesn't stretch during childbirth, that shit tears and they have to sew it up, have fun HR....
Brian:" It's not that big."
Melody:"Yes it is, I can barely fit it in my mouth and I have a big mouth!"
Now, it is possible for a very long man to bump the cervix, but you just switch positions and it is fine. Those men are like in the 99th percentile for size, though.
Generally, when a woman tells you "Oh, it is so big it hurts" what she really means is "I better say it is so big it hurts so he doesn't think I'm loose."