Welcome to the board! Everyone reaches plateaus at different points in their training. That means it's time to take another look at your training and diet.
i have been concentrating mainly on cardio with some light weights also up to this point.
It's time to take it to the next level and shift your concentration from cardio to weights. You don't have to abandon cardio. You'll still want to do enough to maintain cardiovascular fitness, which means you can probably get by with less than you're doing now. Too much cardio can burn valuable muscle, and that's detrimental to fat loss. Cardio only burns calories while you're doing it, muscle burns calories ALL the time. Weights are what will change your body. Building muscle will give you shape and hardness. Adding muscle will make it easier to reduce excess bodyfat, because more muscle = higher metabolism.
Contrary to popular belief, muscle is not "bulky". Muscle is denser than fat. A pound of muscle takes up less space than a pound of fat. Light weights won't build muscle. Use a weight that you can get between 8-10 reps out of. When you feel you can get more than 10 reps, increase the weight.
Diet is extremely important. Traditional weight-loss diets are all about deprivation and how few calories you eat. While bodyweight may drop, it usually includes muscle tissue as well as fat, so as a person continues to diet, their metabolism gets slower and slower.
A training diet is a whole new mindset - you must make sure you get sufficient calories and nutrients for muscle growth/retention, but not so many that you store body fat. You also want to make sure you get the most mileage from every calorie. The nutritional value of the food you eat has a direct effect on the quality of your training.
I have a sweet tooth too, and my life just would not be worth living without chocolate chip cookies. So I accomodate this in my diet w/in limits, and I don't feel any deprivation. Honestly, eating a better diet has made me crave sweets far less than I used to. (I never believed anyone who told me that.)