with the move and start of the new business with my beau things have been so hetic... I just started getting 100% back on track... was supposed to do one this year but decided that I really needed the time to organize other things and just get to prepping for next year. I was having trouble with making time for the gym, and with long hours at work, then moving and then the business...
Now, found a new gym, work is getting stable, finally kinda settled in the new home and the business plan for the new business is all coming together. Still pulling some long nights though,... but I'm pushing for next year in july to do a show. Not sure if it will be figure or BB... depends on if I can bring my upper body up some or not.
I've been a bit on the down low for a while, slacking here and there... but I'm back on the wagon and trying to hit it full force again. I know what I need to do, I just need fire under my ass to get going. LOL