For the official record, my SwoleGenix diet is NOTHING like Animalbolics, or whatever the "name" is. There are thousands of variables in diets, and most of them deal w/carb manipulation right? No big secret there, but we still have major differences, and A even agrees and knows what I do is a "service" too, I.E., holding the clients hand to result land. That's first and foremost........not just a program, a service.
My diet is timed eating and macronutrient manipulation. You actually eat food all day, not just fruit, and you don't starve. You also don't go home after workout and pig out. I also customize a Training Frequency Schedule, cardio recommendations, and include one month of unlimited consultation to make sure the client succeeds. Hell, check all the boards, the stories are there. (ana review, ana paradise, bbx, here, GotFina.com and Swole in the Wall, my forums at
www.gotswole.com, mass universitites, ana universe, intense training.com, and Heavyweights.net)
It's not a diet, it's a lifestyle change, it's consultation and communication, and it leaves nothing unanswered or to be "figured out". It's all done. All of it.
Carry on!