Fiber recruitment always starts with lower threshold fibers and goes to upper (unless you're doing uber-explosive speeds lifts, then it's only fast-twitch).
So for a lift if you're recruiting your fast twitch, you're also recruiting your slow-twitch, so it's pointless to deliberately do high reps in an effort to hit the slow twitch because they get recruited first regardless of weight.
Doing a 15RM vs a 5RM will probably recruit the same number of motor units, you'll just recruit fewer units per rep with the 15 than you will with the 5.
Doing 20 reps vs 5 reps trains the different energy pathways, though, which is a totally different thing. As to that, if you're a BB-er it doesn't matter, and if you do sports make it sports-specific (ie powerlifters do low reps, endurance athletes make sure to do some high reps)