Your concern is in the right place, and I wont flame you, but lets get a few things straight. Like any drug (AAS, E, Alcohol, etc) E can kill you if your a dumb fuck. Much like shooting juice into a vein, shooting 20IU of slin then takig a nap, taking 1000mg of Crystal DNP on your first go round cause Johnny over at that board said he did it and was fine, etc.
It about common sense. I think I hinted at E raising your body temperature, when I made the joke about taking it with DNP and having EVRYTHING melt away.
E is NOT heroin. MDMA is an amphetamine, not an opiate. And no half way cognitive chemist would ever dose E with H. E is mostly cut with other amphetamines, because they give similar effects. Alot of times E is cut with Ephedrine, or aspirin. But not heroin. Heroin is so much more expensive than E, that it makes no sense to sell your heroin as e.
As far as dirty E and dirty labs. Well when has a dirty lab (are you listening to us TToKYYO, BROVELL, etc) or bathtub labs (**) stopped us from SHOOTING our gear?
Bottom line, like AAS use, E use has to be looked at and executed in an educated and sensible way. Dont go out and drop 2 or 3 pills, drink alcohol and dance the night away. Its not the E that kills you, its the alcohol and the dancing that eventually kills you. Do what I suggested....put on some nice soothing Jazz, sparkup a blunt and find the most confortable spot in your house and just melt right in, you wont find yourself floppin aroun on a dance floor 4 hours later, and you wll still have an awesome experiance. Take your prozac to protect your brain, and use commen sense, and you will be fine.