Jay Cartwright said:The actions of a figurehead reflect on the people he represents. It's more the shockwaves that would be caused should he be knocked off rather than his actual role as a leader.
This guy is one of the most publiced men on the planet and not once yet have I seen a glimpse of personality.
I dont know what to say, I still dont get your logic, as Razorguns told you that the SecretService leaps into action and grabs the President, they evaluate the information, there is no time for decisions or questioning by the President or evaluation of the threat, he trusts the mechanisms and the decisions of the SecretService and what they determine on what is or is not a threat. Its all the SecretService doing this, its the SecretService that you should be talking about, I cant believe that you dont understand procedures like that work. I know how emergency procedures work, there is no time, you go by the book and you often are clueless as to what is going on, you just follow the prearranged course of action. In this case, the SecretService followed their protocol. How could you not get any of this???
As for his personality, dude, their is buttloads of stuff about this guy, from him out there fishing, owner of the Texas Rangers etc... Loads of info about him and his personality, just that people dont like his politics. I guess if you dont know what emergency procedures then you dont follow much of whats going on with the President.