I know the typical weight of the bench press bar is 45lbs, but what about those on the leg press machines or I guess the Smith (guided rails) machine for doing squats.
I don't count them since thery are guided weight and I usually don't max out on them, actually never have I maxed out on them Weight on them IMO doesn't really matter as long as you go up each session
Would it be better to use the Smith then on an incline bench press to lift heavier weight guided to feel the stretch and burn more or dumbell not as heavy for the stretch
Would it be better to use the Smith then on an incline bench press to lift heavier weight guided to feel the stretch and burn more or dumbell not as heavy for the stretch
unless injured try for incline with either a barbell or dumbells no need to use a smith machine since the natural pat of your arms is not straight up and down because toward the top of the motion you tend to raise your arms toward your head. Plus with the smith machine you lose the added benefit of working all the muscles that help stabalize free-weights... You never see any top bodybuilders and powerlifter with an all machine excercise routine.... Just get a good spotter and shoot for about 8-10 reps, with perfect form...