Well for starters i didnt say your vocabulary was scientific. I was just saying it was broad.
You are obviously a reader. So though your eduction is limited at 16 you do study weight lifting.
Ok maybe i shouldnt have scientifically anaylized, just anaylized. Your percentages you come up with. Your idea's of hypertropy not being used in powerlifting, and the CNS being the deciding factor in a lifters ability. Do you knwo how many top liftes i have spoke with? I know more then you have read about. Maybe not all personally but i know how most of them train. And surprisingly alot train with reps and no ME work for little off seasons. And periodization in the season with westside movements. Gary Frank is as old school as one gets. No westside, he trains 2 to 3 days a week. Heavy every week in season. He is big and full of muscle. I think your theories are wrong on hypertropy, and CNS and what you say X amount of powerlifters do to train. How come when i go up n weight i get stronger? Nevermind dont answer it. You just read my own questions back to me and make me sound stupid for asking.
And if you dont have success with your program change it. You obviously have not had much success with it if your uncomfortable , not stating your lifts , but showing us your progress with it. When i was 17 , 18 years old i gained like 25 to 30 lbs of muscle my first year or so. I didnt even know what powerlifting was. I just repped out on bench and maxed every week. Went from 185 to 265 at 15 to 16 then took year off dropped down to 200 max on my return and then went from 200 to 315 with in 6 months. Most work was periodization type training and hypertrophy. My arms and muscles got big quick. If you cant say the same for yoru training then maybe its wrong. theres too much thinkin involved. Just lift the freakin weight till you cant anymore, stopping one rep from failure and you get stronger!! Dam thats simple!
If your training is too complicated to talk about, then i know its a routine that probably looks better on paper then it actually is.
You have no clue how to peak for a meet or keep from peaking too early. I am not flaming you i am just stating what i see. And guys like you and Hannibal are like a walking powerlifting encyclopedias but really are beginners in my eyes, who need some gym time and meet time under your belt before you can speak from experience and not a magazine article, or quoting others lifters and people. I am sorry if i am coming off rude or whatever , but i just cant take your advice to seriously and for months its been that way here on the board.
Not to say yoru opinions dont count they do. But if someting works for someone and that is what they do to train, use your opinion but dont dare say its not right. Because there living proof it is. Freak is stronger then most people will ever become. I dont train his way. But i wouldnt tell him its wrong cause he makes gains on it. Hundreds of pounds. He has put more on his total then most people total!! It doesnt work? Mine doesnt? Franks, and Coans doesnt? You keep training your way and avoid increasing your muscle size and if yoru goal is to be a 123 lb powerlifter with 1100lb total then so be it. But i got bigger goals. I train and eat to be big and strong.
One last thing concerning CNS and hypertrophy and training. I personally can tell wheni am taxingmy CNS. I knwo when to back off before my trainng goes back wards. How ? Why? Cause i got experince. 3 weeks at 90% is true for some. Maybe maybe not. Depending on your training you might go 5 plus . I have maxed out on the bench and squats for 6 weeks every week and pR each time. Maxing on both each week.
My point of this was get out of those freakin books and just get your little ass in the gym and train!! Trainhard too! Powerlifting is fun and its easy. You make sound so fuckin complicated, from your research. The CNS, Hypertrophy, your percentages, your theories, and even direct quad training. I am sure theres more, i do not follow your posts outside this board but you get my point. I dont care what your little books say, i know what me and my boys lift. And guys in my gym who have 1 year of lifting dont give advice they ask it!! Try it you might learn something for once. I love golf been playing, for a little over a year now (not much lately) but even though i have ideas i wouldnt fuckin dare give out advice to guys that are 20 stokes below me!!