BF and I have been together for about 3 years or so....I forget.
Been living together for over 2 years, after we spent 6 months on separate coasts. While long-distance, we spoke EVERYDAY. Even now, we don't go a day without talking if one of us is out of town. I can't imagine going to bed without hearing him say good night to me.
We've been through a lot of tough times, things were majorly stacked against us for awhile. Looking back, I find it quite amazing we made it through and are so strong together. We are 2 different people in many ways, but we fit perfectly together. I honestly can't imagine there is anyone else out there for me. As silly as it sounds,we are totally meant for each other.
Bought a house, moving in later this year (if they ever break ground!). Talking marriage, have picked out engagemetn I am just waiting for it!
UGH! lol We both want SMALL wedding, like just us and our parents. Probably a destination wedding where we can also in Vegas we could run off tonight and get married...hahaha.
I know we'll marry soon, but I am really hoping by the end of the year...seeing how we are also talking children. We have talked about trying for a baby early next spring - I have major baby fever.
Which is why I am doing my last SERIOUS attempt at cutting this summer.