bbk42mac said:well after the fatloss boost ill knuckledown with a personal trainer, but seriously, at this point in time i need to get happy about myself or will probably revert
i know all you guys are buff to the core and look at me as a lightweight good for nothing, but im trying and will hopefully oneday be happy with myself
its been a long way but i\'m still continuing the journey and striving to better myself
anyway thanks for all the help guys, i\'ll make a blog of this if it doesn\'t get locked again
At 5'4 and 118 you can't be very large - you just lack muscle mass.
You have to find peace in your mind and seek out the help of a good trainer (which can be hard to find) - if you choose to wait til you are happy with yourself first you may never reach your goals.
It's not like that - you have face life and your goals even when you feel poorly about yourself because that how you make progress in life.
If we only lived life when we felt good we might not ever venture out of bed everyday.
When you see someone with what appears to be the perfect body package never assume they feel as good about themselves as they make look. Truth is goals changes - you get from point A to B and all you can think about is point C and not how well you accomplished B.