I think you might be making a mistake a lot of women make: Using high volume workouts to lose weight. Try this, do your cardio in the am (3-5x week), and workout with weights later in the day 3-5x's a week using lower volume workouts (eg 6-10 reps, 2-3 sets, 1 or 2 major bodyparts per day) and rest at least 2 days a week. Go to BodyForLife.com or find a good muscle building program. Don't worry, you're not going to turn into a hulking shemale, but you will add muscle which will help you speed up your metabolism making it easier to lose fat and keep tone, plus added muscle will noticably improve your overall appearance.
Consider using an ECA stack, a multi, and a lean Protein supplement that should serve as 2 or 3 of your meals each day (you should have 5-6 small clean calorie servings per day). Try to drink a gallon of H20 per day also. Devote 8-12 weeks to this and you should be able to turn the tables in your favor in fighting fat. Once you get things going in the right direction, then you can consider using a clen or even a clen/T3 cycle and maybe AS. But get your training/diet squared away first.