mass build hrm ya if ur that small u prob should put some more wieght on, if i get rid of my pouch then i will have a 6 pack but i weigh 170 with a height of 6 foot. I think I am BARELY big enough to take some weigh off. I wouldn't do it if it were fall but its gonna be summer..... I am purchasing my yohimburn tomorrow (assuming I get my paycheck before the bank closes) I wish i didn't have to mail order it tho I hate having to tell my parents what im buying, they are super ignorant when it comes to fitness. (im only 16 ) yohimburn im hoping should take away most of my stubborn fat, wish me luck!
yeah man good luck, im only 19 myself and ive had to order a credit card to be able to order the yohimburn from online, god its bad that really, even my dad doesn't have a mastercard!
But about Yohimburn, i used it before it actually came out 2 years ago and i tested it for Macro, this was when you bought the Y-HCL and the liquid seperate, and had to dose it yourself. This i have to say worked FUCKING GREAT. I never didn't have love handles and i got lean, very lean, i looked great, and i was VERY impressed.
i have bought the new Yohimburn(the one that comes combined) and i can't say i am very impressed at all.