My wife is considering a trip to the dark side. She is 38, 6' 1" 155 lbs and 14% bf (DEXA scan). A former pro volleyball player she is no n00b in the gym, and probably puts is more time there than I do. Not BBing, but more "Body for Life" and pilates. A few years ago she had a hysterectomy and is on HRT that includes estrogen, test, and some progesterone. Her diet is not perfect, but significantly better than most Wisconsin wimmins.
Anyway, we have been doing some research and it looks like Var at 5mg/day for 7 weeks is the right option. She wants to lean out more, and develop more lean muscle and definition (her thighs are nearly as big as mine from all that volleyball).
One thing we don't see much of is info on PCT for women. Obviously there is little concern here to get natty test levels back to normal, and Var is even less of an issue in that regard. However, are there other PCT or even on cycle things that women should be concerned about. Obviously with the choice of Var, she is helping prevent virilization and other masculinizing effects. I haven't seen much in the literature to suggest it will play much if any havoc with her HRT, but I'm still not sold on that. She does take 200mcg Cytomel/day and we are aware Var will play with the testing of thyroid levels, but to what extent we haven't quite figured out yet.
If anyone could chime in here and fill in these last few gaps I would really appreciate it.