Sure thing. I vary it. It'll sound gross but you have to try it. You more than likely won't mind it like I don't.
Usually 3 four ounce servings of fruit with 1 serving of spinach. So this gives me 4 servings in one. This is 16 ounces or 1 lb of fresh food.
I might use 1 banana, 1 or 2 apples, frozen blueberries, or frozen strawberries.
I use the spinach from the can. I only do this because of that spinach scare that we had back in the winter. I don't want to get sick or die simply from trying my best to eat well.
I then use 8 ounces of either soy or rice milk and 8 ounces of egg beaters with 1 scoop of protein powder. If you have vanilla flavored it's going to taste really good. But usually I have flavorless egg powder protein.
You can use whatever fruit you like, cantaloupe is great but Costco hasn't been carrying it lately.
I have a friend that mixes frozen green peas, pears, broccoli and spinach in his shakes and I was impressed that you can't taste the spinach. I find spinach to be very beneficial and has more potassium per serving than bananas and a lot less sugar.
Oh, I also put 1.5 cups of dry uncooked oatmeal in my shakes to bring up the carbs. So it's loaded with protein, and good quality carbs. It's easy and takes about 6 minutes by the time I start cutting, toss in the blender, drink, and clean the blender carafe.