I've come to the conclusion most women don't have a clue what they want until they hit their 30's. At this point the majority of women start going down hill physically.
If I'm lucky I'll end up meeting a beautiful chick that has transitioned past her dumbass phase and still keeps herself in good order one of these days.
By dumbass phase I mean women that fall for cheesy ass fuckers that come off all mega macho or uber confident when I know I could shove my foot up this guys ass. Women that equate a nice/modest guy to wimp or loser. Women that fall for assholes and think bad boys are "interesting". Ya, if you consider someone taking the equivalent of a crap on you all the time as a sexual turn on(oh so many women). Guy A is a bitch nigga and treats you like crap and acts like he's billy badass and over here I stand modest if not abit shy yet that guy likely couldn't hold my jockstrap. I see this every day.
I've gotten to the point that I don't even pursue women in my age group(30) + or - 5 years.
It's almost comical in a sad way too because I have been told by a few very gorgeous women how handsome I am and have been with a few knockouts in my high school days.
With a guy like me I know what I can and can't do. I probably come across as a rather modest/shy guy which seems to turn off the majority of women even though I am bigger, stronger, smarter, and probably alot tougher than countless men I see walking around with attractive girlfriends. I don't have to act like a tough guy or a badass because I already know I am to a certain extent.
I have standards, but they have dropped massively since I was in highschool because I can see past physical perfection now. I still have to be physically attracted to a girl, but now it might be the sound of her voice or the look of her hands as something I find very desirable besides being a decent looking girl. This is just from initial impressions.
I also am grounded in reality and know that I am not perfect by a longshot as well.
I just can't act like I'm not interested in a woman I find attractive. I can't treat a woman like shit even if I know it means I'll get her in bed. The few, very few times I have treated an attractive girl like shit because I was having a bad day or something are the few times I have had girls aggressively pursue me which blows me the fuck away. It's completely ass backwards.
I always end up remembering and old line between a novice mountain man and an old grizzled mountain man in bear skins(the movie Jeremiah Johnson). The young guy asks the old guy about whether he misses having a woman around. The old guy replies he never had much luck with them and can't seem to see eye to eye with them so why bother.
Eh, whatever.