browncloud said:Realgains I need some advice, I did my first 2 weeker about 4 weeks ago now and it consisted of tren/prop/winny/ and var. I got and extreme about of bloat from the test. I was also running arimidex at .05mg a day. Now should i up my dose of arimidex to 1mg a day and use proviron? Also how long before you frontload the test should i start the arimidex? does it make a diffrence?
last cycle i frontloaded 300mg and ran 100 EOD for 8 days then stoped because i was so bloated. I also have some tren left from valopharm, and i just held it up to some light and it looked to be dirty, with some particals inside, almost looks like cotton, or glue wierd. Anyway i am not going to use it until i can fliter it, and have no idea where i can get a filter here in asia. Would appreciate your input.
Strange that you got so bloated so soon...but everyone is a little different.
Run 1mg for a couple day BEFORE you start the cycle and then 1mg per day while on.
Some people really react to test but don't as much to d-bol as far as bloat is concerned. You MAY wish to run a tren/d-bol/winny for 2-3 weeks next time, with little arimidex.
The problem with estrogen inhibitors is that if used correctly they prevent a great deal of estrogen from forming and this has some negative impact on gains. It does seem that estrogen helps with gains to some degree and this probably has to do with IGF-1 stimulation.