Satchboogie: a lot of muscle, and quite a lot of fat. Good work bro. focus on proportion.
Me: Yeah I put on fat, basically I worked out and upped my diet, at the momment I just want to get bigger still and get that proportion down, i.e. my arms need work mainly. Then I need to learn about cutting, I have bought some Yohimburn and Xenadrine (sp) for when I decide to try and lose the fat. I am going on the basis that it's easier to gain muscle alongside fat so trying to gain as much as possible and eating well. For now I am going to take up cardio first thing in the morning and hopefully that will cut down on my fat increase.
I honestly don't know how others put on so much muscle eating what they do (a lot) without putting on fat, I guess they do more cardio than myself. I am very pleased with what I have achieved in terms of size, but this is like the first level just getting the size, now I need to move up a gear and build on this base.