If I'm on a cycle, no credible workout is better than another. They will all work.
Let me get technical on this one.
Steroids, next to food, is the king of anabolic substances.
Here's the main reason why:
For the non-steroid-using person, each workout must cause a significant amount of microdamage to cause growth. Intelligent training programs use various methods to cause this to go on as long as possible before you plateau.
Steroids will allow growth independent of that microdamage. You can have a workout that a non-user would consider unproductive while on steroids and experience significant growth.
That being said, it doesn't really matter how you train so long as you do it frequently. Steroids give a huge amplification to a growth signal, so what it boils down to is that the more often you hit a muscle, the more it will be in a state of extreme anabolism.
Ironically enough, one could expect simply sickening gains doing a "newbie" routine of fullbody, 3x/week, big compound movements, 3 sets of 10. You will probably find that diet moreso than training is the limiting factor in determining gains.