The Red Dragon said:
is it possible for women to become bulky without testosterone supplementation?
There are some mesomorphs that swear it's possible, but for the most part, NO. I have naturally high test levels, and you know what I lift, and I've been lifting in some form or another for about 14 years...and I'm still a size 10. By the typical female's logic, I should be ginormous.
Please understand that this is not the fault of the girl that's training. A certain level of dihonesty in society, regarding what it takes to have a certain physique, is to blame. If I told the average woman buying Oxygen magazine that MOST of the women on those covers are at least using Anavar, she A) wouldn't know what I was talking about, and B) would be completely dumbfounded that what she thought was "toned" is actually the well assisted art of putting on muscle and losing fat at the same time (which we all know is HARD to do at low body fat least without "help"). If they look at a Ms. Olympia physique, they are either disgusted that "those freaks use steroids," not realizing that their "toned" counterparts are using steroids too, OR they are still naive about the steroid part and assume that women can get that big naturally. They also assume that the heavier the weight the more masculine the woman will look. What's funny about that is that most female bodybuilders I know really don't lift all that much. There are a few exceptions.
Long story short, no. Women do not get
that big with muscle from lifting. Many women will add muscle without losing fat, and that just makes them look fatter...but too much muscle is rarely the problem.