Well I used to have no calves and decided to sit on the seated calf raise machine 4 days a week.... Could be overtraining but I started at 45 pounds and then I would just squeeze the heck out of them at the top of the rep and do them until I couldn't walk. That made my gastroc start popping out. Then I started running long distance and that gave me more definition. Now I do standing calf raises, seated calf raises, and angled calf raises. Or Calves twice a week. I noticed one of last year's figure competitions (Where the GNC competitor took first) that she was the only one on stage with some calf definition. The one girl looked like pole legs (which I used to have), and the others just had a blob of gastroc and soleus melted together. So you are not the only one that has trouble with this part of the body. From my experience you definitely need to add lots of weight and just burn the heck out of them.