Thanks Mr. X.. Yes, Targeted Keto is what I was talking about. I appreciate your input. I'm very slow to get into ketosis is why I don't do the CKD. My blood sugar gets down to about 70, and then just hovers even with high fat and exercise. I thought maybe this would be a good alternative so that I don't kick myself way out of ketosis ever. I'm going to try taking just hi GI carbs within 30 minutes after I lift, and see how it goes. Basically, I'm hoping to be in ketosis within just a few hours afterward. What do you think about the idea of lifting in ketosis, and then 65-70g of carbs immediately after counting on the insulin spike to shuttle the bulk of them to my muscles and leave my blood sugar low for a quick reentry into ketosis? If I try it, I'll post periodic updates and how I feel at the different points in the day. I need a glucometer that measures ketones and blood sugar.. Mine just does sugar. Thanks for your break down.. The times and how your levels changed gives me a starting point. Then I'll just have to adjust it as I see how things are working. Diamond, thanks for your response too.. I've done CKDs, but like I said, they don't do to well, because I don't have enough time in ketosis before I have to carb back up. Check out Lyle McDonald's book 'The Ketogenic Diet' if you're interested. He goes into TKDs pretty thouroghly with theoretical numbers for how many carbs you need per set of lifting. I just wasn't sure how good his numbers were, and I was hoping someone on here had tried it. Anyone else got any input? Thanks again.