If men are biologically programmed to spread their seeds into every women out there then what about the men who are more selective in choosing who they sleep with? Should they be called insulting names and looked down upon because they're not living up to their biological duties? Don't be jealous that women have power over men in a category, which in this case is sex. I think that men go by this old way of thinking because they're brainwashed into it by society, their egos needs for them to be more powerful over us wee women in every way (jobs, position of authority, money, household, sex, etc.), and/or insecurity with themselves as to their sexual techniques and prowess. If you go by the old way of thinking (sexual women=sluts, sexual men=studs) and don't think you fall into the aforementioned category, then you're in denial babe. Women are brainwashed into thinking that expressing your sexuality is degrading, disrespectful of yourself and "dirty". No wonder many women have trouble reaching orgasms and letting go in bed. All their lives they have had to repress their sexual urges because of the faulty teaching. Then men complain about women not being adventurous enough or sexual enough in bed?! Hello!!! If you and others in this world would stop shaming sexual women (their style of dressing, flirting, graphically talking about and expressing their love of sex, multiple partners, etc.) then we wouldn't have this problem.
There is a difference between humans and animals. That's why scientists put us in separate categories. It's normal for animals to mate with their family members but do you see other humans doing their "biological duty" by having sex with family? No, not most people. We are not here on this world to just procreate. With animals yes all they do is eat, sleep, and mate. However humans have the power of reason and logical thinking (well some) which is why we contemplate about religion, ethics, jobs, family, relationships, our place and meaning in this world, etc. Humans are not as simple as animals are so please people stop using that old tired biological programming bullshit in your arguments. "Well it's biologically programmed in men to cheat, look at the animals!" Ughhhhh! Somebody get me a gun! Men and women cheat because basically they're insecure with themselves and are too cowardly to tell people the truth about how they feel. Or they're just cruel bitches! Men just use that biological EXCUSE to validate to themselves and to others that it's not really their fault. It gets them out of taking responsibility for their actions.
Calling someone an insulting name such as "whore" is judging someone negatively. Just because others do it doesn't mean you should follow them. Most men are taught to date around and sleep around with as many women as possible. It's seen on t.v, movies, music, even in the family when dads high five their sons for "scoring" and the moms just say "boys will be boys" bullshit. That's a large part of the reason why in general women are choosy and men aren't. So since it's in our genes for women to be more emotional and men logical, then women shouldn't work in business or hold management positions? What's the point of having a custody battle over a mom and dad if it's a mom's biological duty to raise the kids? Men and women are different, due to a large extent on how we're brought up in this world, but that doesn't mean they shouldn't have the same opportunities, privileges and be treated differently.
This whole argument reminds me of when black slavery was prominent in America. Most of the people said that since blacks are different from whites, to them that meant that white people had certain rights and opportunities that blacks didn't have. Does that make sense to you? Of course it doesn't now because through the years we have learned to stop being so closedminded about that and have seen the truth. There were a few people back then that believed that slavery was wrong but most people just scoffed at their beliefs and said it was inherently right to do this. This is how I feel about this issue. I feel like I'm trying to get people to see how stupid, and closedminded they're being but they just won't listen or refuse to change their beliefs because that means they were wrong all this time.