New member
KnoXville said:
You should seriously make this your new desktop wallpaper at work. Just so you don't loose sight of the real reason your there, not to get paid by your employer for services provided yadda yadda .. but rather to throw the best of supersizeme into cleaning crews clam chowder, 3 hole style, or perhaps even 4 if your feeling extra creative. Only after completing this task my young padawan, will your bro-hood be complete and balance to the brolyship shall be restored.
Not only has it become my wallpaper, I've emailed it my mother and sister to further prove that I'm dripping with virility. You may be asking yourself, "How do they know who supersizeme is?" They are both frequent posters on this board, especially my 60 year old mother who is always on the anabolic board giving advice and flaming newbie bitches as she is currently in the middle of a heavy sust/abombs cycle getting ready for the heavyweight division of the Grannies That Could Fuck Your Shit Up Nationals in early February.
And about the uniforms, I have honestly never tried that out. I don't have that fetish thing going for the uniformed female like you do,but your list is most impressive. I'm guessing mabye it's because it's still unchartered territory for me. I'm more fascinated by D-cup boobs and the complete domination of the mouth. I promise you though that one day, the cleaning chick's primary task is going to be cleaning my nut off the desks, walls and smalls of each others' backs.