New member
Why do I do this to myself
Every leg day I can barely finish my workout, but yesterday I went to gold's and got a free two week pass. I thougth hey why use all their nice equipment and do legs
I should have joined the curl club over in the other power cell or the flat bench crew on the Smith machine
Squats: they have the really nice thick bar with heavy knurling, my traps are hating me for it right now. Warmup 45, 135, 225, 315 four reps on each. 5x5 with 355, the pain was excrucating I thought I was gonna die, every single rep I could hear myself counting "you have only __ to go". All past parallel with a pause at the bottom, got done lied on a bench for 5 minutes hyperventalating
Then I got up and said I got more to do need to catch up with the guys on the Boards, I know I am demented but seeing everyone else get pr's is motivating
So I went to hacks and did 3 sets of 2 plate on each side for 10 reps past parallel working on quads. Alright who ever f*cking suggested these should be locked up, not right to suggest doing hacks, it is just wrong
SLDL 255 2 sets for 10 on platform for more stretch. At this point I was losing feeling in my whole body and was shaking uncontrolably. Got a drink and
and puke in their trash can.
But low and behold my training partner wants to do more so three relatively easy sets of leg ext 150 for 12 reps and four sets of calf raise 300x15 I threw up again
Today I am in so much pain I can barely move, I fell on face walking down my steps
.... But I did make it to the buffet
"The pain, the never-ending pain."

Squats: they have the really nice thick bar with heavy knurling, my traps are hating me for it right now. Warmup 45, 135, 225, 315 four reps on each. 5x5 with 355, the pain was excrucating I thought I was gonna die, every single rep I could hear myself counting "you have only __ to go". All past parallel with a pause at the bottom, got done lied on a bench for 5 minutes hyperventalating

Then I got up and said I got more to do need to catch up with the guys on the Boards, I know I am demented but seeing everyone else get pr's is motivating

SLDL 255 2 sets for 10 on platform for more stretch. At this point I was losing feeling in my whole body and was shaking uncontrolably. Got a drink and

But low and behold my training partner wants to do more so three relatively easy sets of leg ext 150 for 12 reps and four sets of calf raise 300x15 I threw up again

Today I am in so much pain I can barely move, I fell on face walking down my steps

"The pain, the never-ending pain."