Pp, how do you feel about a tapering off at the end of a cycle?
wk 1-12 500mg Test Cyp, 400mg Tren Ace, 0.5 Adex EOD, 0.5 Dost E3D
wk 13,14 250mg Test Cyp
wk 15,16 200mg Test Prop, 250iu x2 wk HCG
wk 17,18 100mg Test Prop, 250iu x2 wk HCG
wk 19-22 Endo/Sustain/Toco, Nolva 20mg ED
wk 23-26 Endo/Sustain/Toco
Goals are to bring my HPTA back up, keep as much of my gains as possible, and to feel as minimally shitty when I come off. Someone told me I'm overdoing it with my PCT?