I received my Test Recovery Stack in the mail last week. I was excited about getting it. I get my gear in about another week. I wanted to make sure everything was in place before I started anything. I am going to run a
12-14 wk cycle of
Primo 500mg EW
Test E 400mg EW
HCG 2xW 250iu Starting at wk 3
1st question I have is about Liquidex from AG.... I wanted to take this on cycle. I have been told yes and no about taking AI during the cycle when no gyno is present. I was hoping a low dosage would kep it under control and there wouldn't be a problem. What's your thoughts.
2nd Question - Should I run only the Test Recov Stack only during the PCT, I do not like what I read about Nomva or Clomid, or should I subsitute that with Aromasin or Liquidex for AG.
Whats your thoughts.
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