I just wanted to tell you all that what you are doing is awesome.It seems like every day,there are more feuds,and segregated groups in strongman,than the comradery that the sport is known for.You all are showing what the sport is all about,and are puting a new light on it all.
To be honest,for a while I did not want to compete anymore,because it seemed like alot of people were starting to get greedy about every little thing,arguing,and not having fun with it anymore.Being aorund everyone down at B Fold's the last 2 times I was able to make it down,going to Nashville for the music city contest,and seeing how much the people on this board actually care for one another as athletes and people,lets me know that there is still a very positive side to strongman.
In my opinion,people like all of you are what will make this sport grow.
"Now you know what we are, now you know what you are."