needtogetaas sent me a PM, explained a possible way to at least see page numbers if you scroll the book fast up and down. It didn't work though.
I wasn't aware that forum members contributed/wrote the book, but it is nice to know that there is a good wealth of knowledge on here. I just saw the eBook on the ef.com site, purchased it, and shared my opinion on the product just like I would any other purchase. Not sure how that is fishy..
Why print stuff out? Always easier for me to have a laptop open in the kitchen whenever I'm making something. Seems like a waste to me..
Like I said before, the content is absolutely top notch. I'm not bashing or discounting the information at all! I just think that if you pay for a product, it should be simple and easy to use. Especially if something is an "e"book then you should be able to use it electronically!