hardrock Go fuck your own face! Platinum Jan 13, 2004 #1,412 out_at_sea said: For some reason I was able to hit six mor people instead of five. Maybe for those who "moved beyond karma" is just a bonus.... OAS aka big kahuna for you junior..... Click to expand... I'm pretty sure I hit 6 as well, and I ain't above karma yet.
out_at_sea said: For some reason I was able to hit six mor people instead of five. Maybe for those who "moved beyond karma" is just a bonus.... OAS aka big kahuna for you junior..... Click to expand... I'm pretty sure I hit 6 as well, and I ain't above karma yet.
Optimus B New member Jan 13, 2004 #1,416 gymrat said: 6795 points total How many are the rest of you at? Click to expand... holy shit that's a lot of k. i'm at 3223.
gymrat said: 6795 points total How many are the rest of you at? Click to expand... holy shit that's a lot of k. i'm at 3223.