as far as my goals. Right now all I really care to do is stay where I am, at around 15% bodyfat. I would like to stay this way even as I get older, like 40/50 years old.
15% is healthy, heck I just want to make sure I dont get fatter as I age. (my youth years and fast metabolism are running out) PS: I'm 20 years old btw.
Its funny, because at home I do eat whole wheat bread, because I know thats better for you. I also try to eat sliced lean turkey, and oatmeal, and fruit. But honestly I have a sweat tooth too, and I will eat surgary cereal really easily.
I got a lot I need to work on, I definately wouldnt mind being leaner than 15% bodyfat, I just dont know where the willpower is going to come from, aside from 'within'.
I guess it'd be cool to see some studies, where to see whether the choice of bread effects how many calories someone will ingest throughout their day, or what kind of effect it has on people's weight, etc.
But my guess is such studies probably dont exist. Especially if I havent been directed to any by now.