This info is all from
Mr. X and Swordfish, **********************
30ml @ 50mcg/ml of LiquiT3 = 1500mcg/ per bottle
Day 1-2: none
Day 3-6: 25mcg (one dose in the AM)
Day 7-10: 50mcg (split into two doses, 8 hrs in between)
Day 11-13: 75mcg (split into three doses, 6 hrs in between)
Day 14-17: 100mcg (split into 4 doses, 4 hrs in between)
Day 18-21: 125mcg (split into 5 doses, 3 hrs in between)
Day 22-25: 100mcg (split into 4 doses, 4 hrs in between)
Day 26-29: 75mcg (split into three doses, 6 hrs in between)
Day 30-33: 50mcg (split into two doses, 8 hrs in between)
Day 34-37: 25mcg (split into two doses, 10hrs in between)
Day 38-45: 12.5mcg(one dose in the AM)
45 DAY CYCLE = 2525mcg = 2 Bottles needed
I think this is crazy??? Mr. X and swordfish..what is going on? Jumping 25mcg a clip and then going over 100mcg isn't wise for a vet let a alone a newbie. This is a dangerous post.