I know your not supposed to do high intensity interval training on clen. So what sort of exercise routine do you guys suggest for a 5' 7' 30 year old who weighs 135 pounds? I have the clen and t3 dosages set but want to know what the proper exercise routine should be to supplement the meds.
I also do weight training about 3-4 times a week currently and my normal cardio training is about 20-40 minutes of running, walking, dancing, stairmaster... sometimes more but never less than 20 minutes.
Help!! 10 pounds of stubborn fat around the midsection that has GOT TO GO!!
I eat pretty healthy 6 days a week. lean protein and veggies and fruits. sometimes i wonder if eating enough. have occasional protein shakes but always something like that or chocolate milk after training. on 7th day i usually have a cheat meal. nothing too crazy . like a slice or two of pizza and light eating rest of day. my big vice is alcohol. vodka about 2 times a week ouch ..
share you wealth people !! lol