There's one girl who has been a Blockbuster commercial, is in some cellphone commercial nowadays and has been in others too. Anyways, she's got jet black and is hot as mother fucking hell. I've seen her on the street twice now and I could have sworn she was into me - she looked at me and smiled and kept looking. Being me, I figured she was noticing one of the many things wrong with me and so dismissed it and just stared at her like a moron. I'm going to regret that for the rest of time. I'm going to vow now that if I ever see her again I'm going to talk to her. I'd like to point out that I'll more than likely pussy out of it but I'll do my best.
You know how you sometimes dream about a really hot girl that you're super happy with and you know she's the hottest girl on the planet in your dream yet you can't see her face? Well, this girl I'm talking about is the kind of girl that you see and you're like, "Oh my God, that's her! I could stare at her for 1000 thousand years and not ever get bored." Fucking hell, I am sooooooooooo lonely. If I had a gun I'd put a bullet in my head right now. Bastards.