New member
this early in your cycle with a long estered test, the size is going to be more attribute to the tbol... tbol can put on some serious size... ive seen it with many people... its a much cleaner and keepable size amount as well... just wait until your test really gets going bro! make sure your keeping a good eye on postassium/sodium ratio... that is extremely imporant... keep up the good work... are you using your proper supports with tbol bro??
Yeah it seems to be doing some damage on my weight gain/leaning out and strength gains. Loving the quality! Only two weeks in, can't wait till the damage from week 4-6 should be in for a great surprise.
Yeah i think i have every cholesterol support natty supplement under the sun, literally. Then N2guard, and a few of the ingredients i take separately for increased protection for my liver.