Since test makes tendons "more brittle", is there anything that does the oppostie and acutally makes them less brittle? I'm taking 1kmg / week and I think I'm starting to feel it..
Since test makes tendons "more brittle", is there anything that does the oppostie and acutally makes them less brittle? I'm taking 1kmg / week and I think I'm starting to feel it..
Since test makes tendons "more brittle", is there anything that does the oppostie and acutally makes them less brittle? I'm taking 1kmg / week and I think I'm starting to feel it..
Test doesnt weaken tendons. The misconception comes from those that jump on cycle too early before building a good natural foundation. Then their connective tissues cant handle the increases
I've finally figured it - 1000mg a week - d'uh. Dylan is correct. It's not that test makes them more brittle. It's that our muscles adapt quicker on gear than our tendons do.