Temple01 said:
Okay, since we have thoroughly hashed over what causes the changes in the way a woman tastes can someone tell me what causes the changes in the way a man tastes?
I promised myself that I wouldn't post to this thread........ But, it looks as though I lied to me again! LOL <[red]~BLUSH~[/red]
First, DON’T try to reduce the acidity of vaginal secretions! Normally, the vagina SUPPOSED to be acidic. It's pH is somewhere about 3.8 up to 4.2.
There are natural bacteria (mostly Lactobacillus, but traces of others) and yeast naturally present in the vagina. They each keep one another from taking over and growing to excess by competing for nutrients and giving off various chemical byproducts. [Ever treated yourself for a yeast infection with unlfavoured yogurt? Those "active cultures" of lactobacillus and yogurt culture medium help the natural flora get reestablished.] So, by changing the natural pH, you could tilt the natural balance to favour one species or another and cause yourself an infection.
The Lactobacillus is also typically the cause of the tart/acidic taste. But, if you are going alkaline due to diet or other causes, you may develop a metallic/copper/zinc taste that is mistaken for acidic tartness. pH test paper is one of the better ways to figure this out without a MD.
For a fix, look towards your diet first for excesses of protein or sugars if you feel something is really out of kilter. Consider reigning in you diet to a more isocaloric model if this is a large issue to you. Of course caffeine and acidic foods can have some impact too.
Here is a good read on the flavor of the vagina. This site is Everything Vagina, so if you ever wondered about........:
As far as the flavor of semen, this article/survey is interesting (and funny):