New member

Looks pretty good! I would not worry at ALL about the fact that you're doing 3X per week - I think that is fine.
DEFINITELY stay in the 8-12 rep range. 15 reps per set should be only an occasional thing, legs you could go slightly higher rep (15), but everything else try to stay closer to 10 or lower. If you're doing more than about 12, you're getting into the 'muscular endurance training' - stay in the strength range. Also more fun IMO to bang out fewer reps with more intensity, than to keep going so long. Just be sure that rep #8 or 10 or so is the LAST you could possible do with **good form** (never compromise form).
I have heard debate over deadlifts - if they are low back or ham/glute. I do believe it's more glute/ham (SPATTS?) So I would put them on leg day.
I would put the shrugs on back day - b/c they are for your traps. Traps are visible at the back of your neck, but the actual muscle is flat & runs the length of your back. It's involved in most rowing movements. You could throw in rear delt flies in it's place.
For chest - try doing the bench or incline with dumbells instead of a barbell, just mix it up.
Are you sure about 4 sets of 20 reverse crunches? Those are pretty tough! Are you using weight for your regular crunches? If not, and you are fatiguing in 20 reps, think of it this way - the rev crunches are probably double to TRIPLE the load of the regular crunches!!! You're using your abs to raise your legs & hips instead of lift your head & shoulders. 20 of those kick my butt & my abs are pretty strong. Maybe try 10 reps regular, 10 reps rev. The only reason I even mention it is b/c about 90% of the people I see doing these do them wrong. I go ON & ON when teaching about how if you're just SWINGING your legs up, your abs aren't working, but I still see it.