i used to chew ALOT of sugarless gum back in the day and I also smoked cigarettes while chewing gum (I chewed 3 plenty-paks of Extra gum everyday - thats a lot of chewing - no wonder I have TMJ). I was told that chewing gum while smoking is very bad b/c it actually can increase your chances of getting mouth cancer.
i dont know what you've been smoking (or do i?), but all this nonsense I see up above this here post of mine...it needs to stop. now.
put the pot down. you had your pot run. you had your chance, and you quit. quitter. lummy is carrying the torch now...let him carry this burden alone and never speak of this again.
i dont know what you've been smoking (or do i?), but all this nonsense I see up above this here post of mine...it needs to stop. now.
put the pot down. you had your pot run. you had your chance, and you quit. quitter. lummy is carrying the torch now...let him carry this burden alone and never speak of this again.
lol he's up in the master bathroom toking up right now.
what are your feelings about people smoking up in the house when children are present (not IN the presence of children of course, but inthe same house)>??
lol he's up in the master bathroom toking up right now.
what are your feelings about people smoking up in the house when children are present (not IN the presence of children of course, but inthe same house)>??
what if you had a mastr bedroom with a bathroom inside the bedroom? and you had a kid who was in the house, say d0wnstairs watching tv or in another bedroom playing video games?