I can't understand not counting reps AT ALL when lifting.
Scientifically, you MUST stay within an 8-12 rep range - maybe as low as 4 reps, but if you exceed 15 reps in a set, you're doing muscular endurance training ("cardio" according to some

) and less than 4, you stand to hurt yourself.
I personally have never squatted a weight I couldn't at least do 7 reps with - but that is because I find it too easy to let form go on a squat (damn lower back arch going is my prob). I have to really focus to keep form. With a weight so heavy it's my 6RM, I'd feel too at risk.
I don't think someone who's not getting ready to compete in PL & also who isn't very experienced with lifting should be going lower than 8 reps per set. It's not necessary to get stronger (at this point at least).
There is a reason for the rest between sets - your body can only produce a limited amount of ATP anaerobically. You have to rest to give your body a break from the intense work -> so that you can work intensely again on the next set.
Squat heavy 8-10 reps, rest SIXTY SECONDS or so, go again.
I think doing squats every 4 days is fine - but you really should let your legs rest 48 hours after the heavy leg work - so that means NO CARDIO. Maybe some AR light work, but not a 60 minute bike ride.