Hmm, she just has a very thin waste line... I can put my hands around it… She def is not skin and bone... Just not been training long enough to have dense muscle mass to make her solid... I could also be mixing BF with BMI.

I believe the scale I was using does BMI not BF I can re-do measurements and paste those and you can ascertain from this?
Meal 1: Protein shake + fruit 24 grams protein / 20 grams carbohydrate (
First, she should start with grains, like oatmeal or buckwheat with 3 scrambled eggs or 3 + 1 yolk)
Meal 2: Protein shake (fruit) (24 grams protein 20 grams carbohydrates)(
If she trains in the morning, then she should have the pp after training, WITHOUT FRUIT)
Meal 3: Pasta/Rice + chicken (20grams protein) around 30/45 grams carbohydrates
(NO processed foods such as pasta. Have chicken breast or turkey or tuna or fish with vegetables or salad and brown rice)
Meal 4: Pasta/Rice + chicken (20 grams protein) around 30/45 grams carbohydrates
(same as 3, but sweet potatoe and veggies)carbohydrates.
Meal 5: Protein shake (24 grams) (
Same as 3 &4)
Meal 6: Paste/rice + mince / steak (40 grams carbohydrates 30 grams protein)(
Fish and green vegetables, such as broccoli, spinach, etc. Keep the last meal light on carbs
That is what her diet looks like most days in that kind of order... sometimes the chicken is replaced with cottage cheese and cracker bread (very low carbohydrate type of bread)
As you can see she doesn't have any carbohydrates first thing in the morning and normally last meal of day is around an hour and a half before bed, so she doesn't have any carbohydrates right before bed.
She tries not to consume any fruit juices or other liquids that have extra calories during the day besides, green tea or water and she does sometimes have tomato juice.
She supplements with Vitamin B12 / BCO 2mills a week and on a multi vitamin.
Once a week she will have a cheat day, maybe share a pizza.
She burns around 150/200 calories a day (4/5 times a week) doing cardio and does weight training too.
For weight training
Triceps (Cable push downs / kick backs) - Twice per week
Biceps (Straight bar curls) - Twice per week
Legs (Squats, lunges) - 3 Times per week
Calves (Raises) - Once per week
Shoulders (Side lateral and front raises) - Once per week
Crunches and sit up's every training day.
Rowing, step machine or treadmill
Rest around 8/9 hours a night.
Anything else you would like to know ?