I'm starting a short cycle on monday, I want to put on as much muscle as possible with as little fat as possible, but I don't want to compromise my gains.
I was like 194-196lbs 2 weeks ago, now I'm down to like 185-186 because I'm cutting before my cycle begins. I'll probably be 182-184 with 12-13% bf when I start.
My plan: 400 grams protein, 300 grams carbs, 100 grams fat, for a total of 3700 calories. What do you think?
It boils down to 67 grams of protein per meal, bw 10-20 grams of fat per meal, and 100 grams of carbs with breakfast and 100 post workout, with the remaining 100 split between two meals. I'll avoid carbs in my last two meals. (6 meals total).
Help is greatly appreciated!
Cycle consists of mostly primo (400mg), with some dbol and low dose of test.
I was like 194-196lbs 2 weeks ago, now I'm down to like 185-186 because I'm cutting before my cycle begins. I'll probably be 182-184 with 12-13% bf when I start.
My plan: 400 grams protein, 300 grams carbs, 100 grams fat, for a total of 3700 calories. What do you think?
It boils down to 67 grams of protein per meal, bw 10-20 grams of fat per meal, and 100 grams of carbs with breakfast and 100 post workout, with the remaining 100 split between two meals. I'll avoid carbs in my last two meals. (6 meals total).
Help is greatly appreciated!
Cycle consists of mostly primo (400mg), with some dbol and low dose of test.