I was squatting the other day (yeah, still without squat rack, scares me everytimy but anyway) and I realized something:
I can deadlift a LOT more than I Squat and the same for StiffLegged Deadlifts. It seems my back was simply a lot stronger than my legs. I was doing a set of box squats for 4 reps...and I was really struggling. THen suddenly: I LEANED forward with my back..and boom the weight flew up.
I`m just curious of how each of you guys squat. It seems be leaning forward an excessive amount my squat really becomes a lot easier. When by back is quasi straight the squat becomes a nightmare.
Any comments would be appreciated,
I can deadlift a LOT more than I Squat and the same for StiffLegged Deadlifts. It seems my back was simply a lot stronger than my legs. I was doing a set of box squats for 4 reps...and I was really struggling. THen suddenly: I LEANED forward with my back..and boom the weight flew up.
I`m just curious of how each of you guys squat. It seems be leaning forward an excessive amount my squat really becomes a lot easier. When by back is quasi straight the squat becomes a nightmare.
Any comments would be appreciated,