Re: Naw....
TheDarkSideNinja said:
What i mean is you think your mind is improving because of what you see on the outside. That's simply what i meant. The Machine as far as those studies go (recent ones) i would love to see as many as you can provide as i am a little skeptical on info. these days!!! Thank you...
I would argue that if your body is improving it does promote self-confidence.
Remind me to dig up the studies Monday -- I'm getting outta here at noon today and have to get a few things done first.
Here's a few to get you started:
Ephedrine/caffeine has been shown to decrease body fat irrespective of calorie intake and has also produced greater results than bromocriptine in a shorter period of time.(26-28)
26) Astrup A, et al. "The effect of ephedrine/caffeine mixture on energy expenditure and body composition in obese women." Metabolism 1992 Jul;41(7):686-688
27) Boozer CN, et al. "An herbal supplement containing Ma Huang-Guarana for weight loss: a randomized, double-blind trial." Int J Obes Relat Metab Disord 2001 Mar;25(3):316-324
28) Daly PA, et al. "Ephedrine, caffeine and aspirin: safety and efficacy for treatment of human obesity." Int J Obes Relat Metab Disord 1993 Feb;17: S73-S78
In a similar but shorter study, our neighbors to the north (Canada for all of you geographically challenged folk) examined a supplement that chiefly contained ephedrine, caffeine, chromium picolinate and other "proprietary" ingredients (9). The short of it — ephedrine/caffeine based supplements are effective for weight and fat loss in overweight (obese) people. The take home message is that this stuff works, but we knew that, so what else is new?
9. Woodgate DE, Conquer JA. Double-blind study evaluating the effects of a novel herbal supplement on weight loss in overweight adults. FASEBJ 2001;15(4):a254.9.