Who do you pull up fiends consider incredibly strong?
My top nominations are: Andy Bolton (1003 lb deadlift/2806 lb total), Gary Frank, Paul Anderson, Scott Mendleson, Gene Rychlak, ect. Basically superheavyweights that never do pull ups.
I'm the only 300 + pounder that I've ever seen do a single pull up (8 is my best effort), and I eventually strained my left elbow and forearm, and switched to pull downs.
My point? If you want 20" arms you do heavy close grip BB presses, and heavy cheat curls. You follow that up with strict isolation movements for your arms hitting them from different angles, and different rep ranges. That's what worked for me. I'm not saying anyone else should follow suit, but I consider myself genetically average, and if I could do it, so can many of you.
Like the Bro said "there is more than one way to skin a cat". I just take issue with the people flaming others when it's so easy to show contradictory proof.
no1 brawler, not to pick on you - your not the only one. How can you say most bodybuilders are so lost it's not funny. Ronnie Coleman uses a split routine and has gotten great results in all aspects of physical development (800 lb deadlift x 2). Most top bodybuilders have respectable levels of strength (400 BP), and some have amazing levels of strength (600 BP). I can't think of a single Pro BB that doesn't use a split routine. I can't think of a single top powerlifter (the exception was Jamie Harris a BP specialist) that doesn't use a split routine. I don't know many Olympic lifters, but the ones at my gym that compete also use a split routine.
Bottom line_Split routines work, that's why everybody who's anybody, and millions of others (like me) use some variation of the split routine.