A few comments even though I don't have time to get to into it right now:
-Your articles claim Clinton did "stuff" but not specifically anything about no-doc loans which was the topic. I think no-doc loans are unrelated to what is claimed in you articles.
I already acknowldeged that repeal of Glass - Steagal was wrong. It was signed by Clinton who was too happy to go long with Republicans who pushed for and passed this and other deregulation legislation. So I will agree Clinton did some dumb stuff, which is why we call him the best "republican" President we ever had.
Here is a good article about repubs pushing to deregulate the financial industry during Clinton's reign, particularly Phil Gramm (R) Texas.
The right wing whining about the Community reinvestment act as "the cause" of the meltdown has been thoroughly debunked. The CRA started in 1977, and was supported by all Presidents since then.
The fact that Clinton encouraged home ownership by a larger segment of the population makes him no different than Reagan, or Bush Sr, or Jr.
Bush aims to boost minority home ownership - CNN
If you look into any decent analysis of the cause of the financial meltdown, you will see hundreds of inter-related complex causes that tie together. Cherry picking one thing CLinton did or anyone else is more politics than truth.
But regardless of what Bush did or Reagan or Clinton did, we need to look at policy going forward, and Republicans are still pushing the kind of policy that caused the disaster (and that you are blaming Clinton for).