Staples had one (US) location when Mitt convinced Bain Capital to invest in it. Now they have over 1500 in the US and over 2200 worldwide. They employ 90,000+ worldwide, including Canada. You can thank Mitt for that. Domino's Pizza employs 145,000 worldwide, including Canada too...but mostly US. Sports Authority got started with some Bain Capital money too.
Those businesses are all still open. So are Brookstone, Sealy, AMC Theaters, Michaels, Toys R Us, Burger King, Burlington Coat Factory, Clear Channel Communications, Guitar Center, Gymboree and several others.
Out of the two evils, I think Romney is our better bet. He has done a good job with multiple businesses, a good job with the winter olympics in Utah, and a good job as gov. of Mass. Of course he would be very limited by congress as POTUS and probably not be able to get much done. But that goes for any POTUS. Now...what to do about all those worthless congresspeople?
And most of those companies have a corporate culture of raping the employees. They are jobs, but they're not good places to work. For example, I know a lot of people who have worked at Guitar Center, some in management. When Bain took over, they slashed staff, slashed benefits, and started screwing salespeople on commissions. It's worse for managers, since they're expected to work lots of extra hours with no overtime, and frequently forfeit commissions. They also took away the managers' ability to negotiate price, and haggling is an expected part of the music business.
I've heard similar stories from Staples and Sports Authority.