There's this chick at work i like. She's married but separated with a kid. I told her i like her but she said she doesn't like me in that way. However, afte constant flirting week in and week out and suggestive body language...i was going to say to her something along the lines of......
"I#You look very sexy in that red dress but you're giving me mixed singals cuz ur saying one thing and ur body language another..."
BTW, she wears red every saturday.
Also, i was thinking of saying to her that everytime i'm around her i feel drawn towards her and that i want to hold her, touch her kiss her.
Is this too much folks or?
"I#You look very sexy in that red dress but you're giving me mixed singals cuz ur saying one thing and ur body language another..."
BTW, she wears red every saturday.
Also, i was thinking of saying to her that everytime i'm around her i feel drawn towards her and that i want to hold her, touch her kiss her.
Is this too much folks or?